Commercial kitchen technology: Standardization and technology
Production, setting up and operation of commercial kitchen appliances and systems are subject to a variety of regulations for the safety of the operator, the staff and the guests. But not only because of the strict legal regulations it must be adhered to keep a maximum level of quality in public catering:
Quality, safety, service and hygiene are aspects for the operators of public catering facilities which are having an influence on the satisfaction of the guests and the working efficiency of the staff. They contribute significantly to the commercial success of any gastronomic company.
The producers of commercial kitchen equipment, represented by the HKI association, recognized this early and are making particularly strict requirements to their appliances. This is also shown in the high personnel and temporal effort with which the HKI member companies are taking part at the creation and development of technical standards.
In the external standards committee of heating and cooking equipment of DIN (FNH) whose holder is the HKI, the specialists of the HKI member companies are working together with users, planners, national institutions (e.g. the employers’ liability insurance associations), scientific institutions and other interested parties. Besides several already completed standard projects, the technical progress requires the constant revision and revision of existing standards. On national as well as on European and international level. You can find an overview to the relevant standards for commercial kitchens
Production, setting up and operation of commercial kitchen appliances and systems are subject to a variety of regulations for the safety of the operator, the staff and the guests. But not only because of the strict legal regulations it must be adhered to keep a maximum level of quality in public catering.
Quality, safety, service and hygiene are aspects for the operators of public catering facilities which are having an influence on the satisfaction of the guests and the working efficiency of the staff. They contribute significantly to the commercial success of any gastronomic company.
The producers of commercial kitchen equipment, represented by the HKI association, recognized this early and are making particularly strict requirements to their appliances. This is also shown in the high personnel and temporal effort with which the HKI member companies are taking part at the creation and development of technical standards.
In the external standards committee of heating, cooking and thermal equipment of DIN (FNH) whose holder is the HKI, the specialists of the HKI member companies are working together with users, planners, national institutions (e.g. the employers’ liability insurance associations), scientific institutions and other interested parties. Besides several already completed standard projects, the technical progress requires the constant revision and revision of existing standards. On national as well as on European and international level. You can find an overview to the relevant standards for commercial kitchens here.
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