Domestic heating and cooking appliances: Standardization and technology
Because of environmental regulations and the use of biomass for appliances fired by solid fuels, standardization and technology for domestic heating appliances play a vital role within the legislative process.
Especially the multiplicity of responsible institutions, authorities and facilities as well as necessary registrations, markings and regulations make it difficult for the manufacturers to penetrate and develop markets. In addition, the end-consumer has to be sufficiently educated and informed.
In Germany there is no other institution like the HKI-Association, offering the respective knowledge of the heating industry, contacts to experts as well as co-operation-agreements with relevant authorities, test laboratories and academic institutes.
Due to the sponsorship of FNH (Standards Committee Heating and Cooking Equipment), the HKI-Association gains an appropriate platform for creating modern standards for domestic heating appliances. All interested and industry-specific groups are represented on national and European level. Please find an overview of relevant standards here.